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Primers in GENETICS


Primers are a series of articles in the GSA Journal GENETICS designed to make current research articles useful in an undergraduate classroom or a senior seminar. Each Research Primer is tied to a current article, and lays out necessary background, explains the hypothesis or approach, describes the methodology, guides the readers through the results, and sums up the discussion. Each Model Organism Primer describes a genetic model system, including the organism's life cycle, history of use in the laboratory, available genetic and genomic tools, advantages of the system, discoveries made using the model organism, and more. Model Organism Primers would be especially useful for educators to assign to students along with a Research Primer featuring that model organism. They would also be quite useful for researchers in a new laboratory who would like to read up on their new study system.


In essence, the Primer is a road map that aids instructors wishing to use peer-reviewed articles as the vehicle with which to develop many of the core competencies in genetics. For more information, see "The Other Life of Articles" (Hawley and Ruedi, 2012).


Click HERE to access all Primers.