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The Genetics Society of America (GSA), founded in 1931, is the professional membership organization for scientific researchers and educators in the field of genetics. Our members work to advance knowledge in the basic mechanisms of inheritance, from the molecular to the population level.


GSA is dedicated to promoting research in genetics and to facilitating communication among geneticists worldwide including through its scholarly journals, GENETICS and G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, and professional conferencessuch as those that focus on the genetics of many of the leading model organisms including C. elegans, Drosophila, fungi, mice, yeast, and xenopus, as well as the Population, Evolutionary and Quantitative Genetics Conference.

GSA has more than 5,500 individual members from all 50 states and nearly 50 countries around the world. They work at colleges and universities, government and private research institutes, medical schools, corporate and industrial settings, and other institutions. GSA is deeply committed to fostering the next generation of geneticists, and nearly half of the membership are postdoctoral scholars, graduate students, and undergraduates.


The Society is a strong supporter of education and outreach, helping to explain the basic tenets and value of genetics to K-12 and undergraduate students and the general public.


GSA represents the collective interests of the genetics community, serving as the voice of our membership to policymakers and government leaders.

Among the many honors and awards received by GSA members are 20 individuals who have received the Nobel Prize, starting with Thomas Hunt Morgan, one of the giants of the field.