Drawing upon its 5,000 members across a variety of sub-disciplines and experimental systems, the Genetics Society of America (GSA) serves as the collective voice of the genetics community.
Government policies have a significant impact on research, research training, and scholarly publishing. As a result, outreach to and communication with the public and the officials they elect, and with the government agencies that fund research, is a crucial part of the services GSA provides its members. Among our policy priorities are enhanced support for scientific research, with a particular focus on basic research and the use of model systems for conducting fundamental and applied research.
We seek to engage individual members
of GSA and the genetics community to
help amplify the voice of GSA on issues
of concern. Members are encouraged to
join in GSA activities and to join the
grassroots efforts of our
Those who are interested in getting more involved in advocacy and policy may welcome the chance to explore fellowship opportunities in science policy. GSA has compiled a list of some of the policy fellowships of most relevance to the GSA community.
In addition to its own policy and advocacy activities, GSA is an active participant in a number of policy coalitions that unite the scientific and biological research community, adding the voice of the GSA membership to that of peer societies and bringing the perspective of the genetics community directly to policymakers and government officials.