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Important Dates:

September 24, 2013
Abstract Submission Opens

Conference Registration Opens

November 5, 2013
Deadline for Workshop Requests
December 9, 2013
Abstract Submission Deadline
December 22, 2013
Larry Sandler Award Submission Deadline
February 3, 2014
Deadline for Early (Discounted) Conference Registration
February 28, 2014
Deadline for Hotel Reservations


2014 Meeting Organizers:


Daniela Drummond-Barbosa
Elissa Lei
Mihaela Serpe
Mark Van Doren

General Guidelines


The following practices are prohibited at the GSA meeting:


  1. Noisy electrical or mechanical apparatus interfering with poster presentations or other exhibitors;
  2. Operation of X-ray equipment;
  3. Canvassing or distributing any material in exhibit hall aisles, convention facility public space or other space outside the exhibitor's contracted booth space;
  4. The use of billboard advertisements and/or display of signs outside the exhibit area;
  5. Soliciting participation in surveys or otherwise harassing registrants;
  6. Publicizing and/or maintaining any extracurricular activities, inducements, demonstrations, or displays away from the exhibit area during the exhibit hours or scientific session hours of the meeting;
  7. Contests, lotteries, raffles or games of chance;
  8. Entry into another exhibitor's booth without their express permission;
  9. Photographing, videotaping or examining another exhibitor's equipment without permission;
  10. Subletting of exhibit space
  11. The use of magicians, fortune-tellers, dancers, puppets or other entertainment of this nature.


Relevant portions of the foregoing prohibited practices are applicable to non-exhibitors at all times. Non-exhibitors may not solicit business from scientific registrants or companies exhibiting, nor will their materials be accepted for distribution on site.


The use of open audio systems is discouraged. Requests to use an open audio system must be approved by Exhibit Management. The exhibitor must agree to discontinue broadcasting if the sound level is deemed objectionable to the registrants or adjacent exhibitors. Playing music in the exhibit hall is prohibited and will be strictly enforced.


The character of exhibits is subject to the approval of GSA management. GSA reserves the right to refuse applications of concerns not meeting standards required or expected. GSA management also reserves the right to curtail or to close exhibits or parts of exhibits that reflect unfavorably on the character of the meeting. This applies to displays, literature, advertising novelties, souvenirs, conduct and attire of persons, etc.


Exhibitors are requested to staff their exhibits with personnel attired in a manner consistent with the intent of the meeting and knowledgeable in the products and policies of the exhibiting company.

GSA Exhibit Management will monitor conformity to these Rules and Regulations for the 54th Annual Drosophila Research Conference.



Assignment of Space/Location


Applications for space and all required information and documents must be received on or before the established deadlines. Applications may be refused or booth space restricted due to space limitations or other reasons determined by the GSA management.


Space assignments for commercial booths will be made based on date of receipt of completed application, including product descriptions and full payment of applicable fees, on a first-received (date stamped), first-assigned basis. Space assignment for not-for-profit booths will be made no later than January 7.  The final arrangements will be determined by Exhibit Management in such a way as to produce the most advantageous grouping of exhibits. GSA shall have no liability if the space location assigned is not as requested.


A description of products and services to be displayed must be received no later than January 6, 2014, along with the application and full payment, as part of this application for review by GSA and to assure inclusion in the Guide to Exhibits and official meeting program.



Distribution of Giveaways


Exhibitors will be permitted to distribute appropriate promotional material and approved related items only from the exhibit booth. In keeping with the educational purpose of the exhibit program, all giveaways except literature must have advance approval of Exhibit Management and must conform to acceptable, professional standards. Approval is at the sole discretion of GSA. Exhibitors will receive the appropriate application for proposed giveaways.


Giveaway Approval Form


GSA Exhibit Management will monitor conformity to these Rules and Regulations for the Annual Drosophila Research Conference.


Any significant food (anything more than candy or mints) or beverage at the booth must be approved in writing by the hotel.  This includes all alcoholic beverages.  Please contact GSA Exhibit Management if you would like to make available ANY food or beverage.



Enforcement of Rules


By applying for exhibit space, an exhibitor agrees to adhere to all conditions and regulations outlined on the official Drosophila Conference web site. Conforming to these Rules and Regulations for the Annual Drosophila Research Conference will be monitored by Exhibit Management.

Each exhibitor is granted nothing more than a terminable license to exhibit, subject to all the rules herein and the general control of GSA. If GSA determines that any exhibitor has failed to comply with any rules herein or any directive issued to the exhibitor by GSA Exhibit Management, the license may be terminated and the exhibit closed without notice. In all interpretations of the Rules and Regulations, GSA Exhibit Management's decision is final.


GSA Exhibit Management will monitor conformity to these Rules and Regulations for the Annual Drosophila Research Conference.



Fire Prevention Regulations


The following does not, by any means, totally encompass the Town & Country Hotel & Conference Center fire codes. However, it does provide basic guidelines governing exhibits/material flammability.


  1. Display Construction: Combustible materials must be treated with an effective flame-retardant material. All curtains, drapes, carpet, carpet padding and decorative materials must be made of flame-retardant materials or sprayed with a flame retardant.
  2. Volatile or flammable fluids, gases, substances or other materials, including aerosol cans with flammable propellants, gas operated cooking equipment, wood matches with all-surface strikes, portable heating equipment and excessive display literature are prohibited in the Town & Country Hotel & Conference Center.
  3. Storage: Nothing may be stored behind space drapes. All packing containers, wrapping materials, carrying cases, etc., must be stored off the exhibit floor. The Town & Country Hotel & Conference Center representative or Fire Marshall will inspect all exhibit space to ensure compliance.
  4. Drainage Systems: No oils or combustible liquids are to be poured into the Town & Country Hotel & Conference Center drainage or sewer systems. Proper disposal methods must be provided by the exhibitor and approved by the Town & Country Hotel & Conference Center.
  5. Emergency Equipment: No emergency phones, alarms, sprinkler valves or hose connections may be obstructed by booths, stands, signs, displays or any other items of an exhibit.


GSA Exhibit Management will monitor conformity to these Rules and Regulations for the Annual Drosophila Research Conference.



Space Cancellation or Reduction


Cancellation and reduction notices must be submitted in writing to Exhibit Management.


Cancellation and Reduction Assessments:

If canceled or reduced on or before January 6, 2014, entire payment will be refunded.

If canceled or reduced between January 6, 2014 and February 3, 2014, 50% of total cost of all space will be refunded.

If canceled or reduced after February 3, 2014, exhibitor forfeits 100% of total cost of all space leased.


Presentation of Products or Services


The purpose of The Genetics Society of America (GSA) exhibit program is to further the education of individuals involved in genetics research. Therefore, all exhibits must be of an educational character or practical application emphasizing instruments, products or services for use in teaching, laboratories and basic research. Or they must offer books or other publications in scientific fields of relevance to registrants, or that directly convey scientific research findings in those areas of science represented by GSA.



Use of Animals


The use of live animals, photographs, videotapes or any other form of visual display of surgery being performed is not permitted in exhibit booths.

Use of Exhibit Space


The aisles are the property of all the exhibitors. Therefore, each exhibitor has the responsibility to assure proper flow of traffic through the exhibit area. Do not place your demonstration areas on the aisle line of your exhibit if you expect many people to congregate at one time. Leave space within your own exhibit area to absorb the majority of the crowd.



Use of GSA Name or Logo


The use of The Genetics Society of America (GSA) name and logo is prohibited on signs or descriptive product literature inside or outside the exhibit area. However, reference may be made to the meeting as the "Annual Drosophila Research Conference," that includes place and dates, on the exhibitor's advertising or convention giveaways.