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Important Dates:

September 24, 2013
Abstract Submission Opens

Conference Registration Opens

November 5, 2013
Deadline for Workshop Requests
December 9, 2013
Abstract Submission Deadline
December 22, 2013
Larry Sandler Award Submission Deadline
February 3, 2014
Deadline for Early (Discounted) Conference Registration
February 28, 2014
Deadline for Hotel Reservations


2014 Meeting Organizers:


Daniela Drummond-Barbosa
Elissa Lei
Mihaela Serpe
Mark Van Doren




Link to:


Regular Abstracts


Late Abstracts 


Abstract Search and Program Planner



Submission Deadline: December 9, 2013

Revision/Withdrawal Deadline: December 12, 2013


Submission Rules and Guidelines

All authors will be asked to approve the following statement when submitting an abstract: “I have read, understand and agree to the rules and guidelines.” Your abstract will not be programmed if this box has not been checked.


Each abstract must be submitted through this Website. Complete and detailed instructions for submitting abstracts will be available on September 24, 2013. Abstracts prepared on paper and mailed to the GSA office, photo-copies, facsimiles or e-mails of abstracts will not be accepted.


  1. Abstracts must be submitted with the intention that they will be presented if selected. First authors are expected to attend the meeting and make the platform or poster presentation. First authors should not submit abstracts if they do not plan to attend the meeting. If a first author must cancel for some reason, it is their responsibility to designate one of the other authors as their replacement.
  2. A complete abstract should include a statement of purpose, methods used, and a summary of results in sufficient detail to support the conclusion. Statements such as "results will be described" should be avoided.


  3. Abstracts will appear on the Web exactly as submitted, i.e., no corrections, additions, revisions or deletions can be made by the GSA staff. Only the submitting author may make revisions and corrections via the Web abstract submission program.  All revisions must be made no later than the December 12, 2013, revision deadline. Please proof your text carefully before submitting.


  4. Any authors presenting a talk in a workshop may not make a platform session presentation on the same topic. Those authors whose abstracts are selected as poster presentations MUST display their poster for the length of the conference in the poster area and MUST present that poster during scheduled times.  If the poster will be needed for the workshop, a duplicate poster will be necessary. 


  5. All abstracts submitted will be assigned either a platform or poster presentation at the discretion of the Drosophila Conference Organizers and their Committee. The Committee reviews all abstracts submitted for presentation at the Drosophila Annual Conference and determines whether an abstract is suitable for platform or poster presentation.  Because platform presentation requests far exceed platform presentation slots (only 10-15% of all abstracts received can be accommodated in platform sessions), authors should be prepared to present a poster if their abstract is not selected for a platform presentation.  Authors who do not present as scheduled will be excluded from further submissions.

The Organizers reserve the right to decline a presentation to any submitted abstracts that lack scientific content or merit, or merely announce the availability of a resource or service.


By attending a GSA conference, you grant GSA with the right to use your photograph, name, and likeness for use in GSA educational, news, or promotional materials. GSA will take steps to avoid sharing the content of presentations and posters in order to protect unpublished data. Please note that the use of cameras and other recording devices in plenary, platform, and poster sessions is prohibited without expressed permission from an authorized GSA representative.



Author Presentation Notifications

January 15, 2014.


On and after January 15, 2014, the highlighted letters below provide access to alphabetical lists of the authors whose abstracts have been accepted for the 55th Annual Drosophila Research Conference. Please click on the first letter of the first (presenting) author's last name (surname) to view the assignment for either a platform or poster presentation. It is not possible to view abstract assignments using co-author names. 

  • Detailed preparation instructions for platform presentations: Click here

  • Detailed preparation instructions for poster presentations: Click here

To view abstract program assignments, please click on the first letter of the first (presenting) author's last name (surname): 




Abstract Revisions

Revisions may be made until December 12, 2013.


If you need to revise your abstract, follow instructions for revision on the abstract link on the Drosophila Web site. All revisions must be completed prior to the December 12, 2013 deadline. Revisions will not be accepted after this date.



Abstract Withdrawals


Withdrawal requests (from the first/presenting author only) should be made by midnight, EST (USA Time) on or before December 12, 2013. All abstracts will be published and cannot be removed from publication after December 12, 2013 (even at the request of the author and/or principal investigator). Abstracts not withdrawn by December 12, 2013 will be reviewed and if selected for presentation at the Drosophila Annual Conference, will be published online. This information can be accessed by the public and may be referenced by the Genetics Society of America Media Relations staff and others. Once a presentation has been scheduled, first authors who are unable to make the presentation are asked to notify Suzy Brown immediately so that notation can be included in the Program Addendum.



Platform Sessions


The program committee will select a subset of abstracts for platform presentations, basing their selections on several criteria, including research area, scientific impact and laboratory representation. Authors of abstracts should indicate their preference for either a platform or a poster presentation by marking the appropriate field on the on-line abstract submission form. Note, however, that the program committee will determine the final designation of platform or poster presentations.

Because platform presentation requests far exceed available presentation slots (only 10-15% of all abstracts received can be accommodated in platform sessions), all authors should be prepared to present a poster if their abstract is not selected for a platform presentation.  This poster must be displayed in the poster area from 11:00 PM on March 26 through 10:00 PM on March 29.

Each platform presentation will be limited to a 12 minute presentation, with an additional 3 minutes for questions and discussion.


To fairly accommodate the large number of requests for platform presentations, authors presenting a talk in a platform session may not present the same work in a workshop. Any author offered positions in both forums is expected to decline or withdraw from one.  Photography is not allowed where posters are displayed.  Anyone taking photographs will be asked to leave the hall.



Poster Sessions

The majority of the submitted abstracts will be scheduled as posters. Poster presenters will be required to attend their posters for multiple sessions. All abstract authors who are not selected for a platform session MUST display a poster in the Exhibit Hall.  Those presenting in a workshop must still display a poster in their designated spot in the Exhibit Hall.  A note directing people to the workshop will not be accepted.  The poster area will be open 24 hours a day beginning at 5:00 pm, March 26 until Saturday evening, March 29 at 10:00 pm in the Grand Exhibit Hall at the Town & Country Resort and Conference Center. Posters may be mounted on boards beginning at 5:00 pm on March 26 and all must be in place by 11:00 pm.  Posters must be removed by 11:00 pm on Saturday, March 29.  Posters that are larger than 3’8” tall by 2’10” wide will be removed.  Please note that the posters should be in a vertical layout.  While security is monitoring access to the Hall, GSA cannot be responsible for items left in the hall including but not limited to poster tubes, purses, backpacks, etc.  Please keep personal items with you at all times. 


Photography is not allowed where posters are displayed.

Anyone taking photographs will be asked to leave the hall.


Authors of posters that either do not present their poster and/or do not display their poster will be excluded from future submission opportunitiesPosters may not be displayed for abstracts that have not been submitted and approved.



Publication of Abstracts


Abstracts selected for presentation will be available online by January 24, 2014, which will be considered the official publication date.  Again this year we will only offer the full abstract text on-line through a searchable database and in PDF.  You will be able to print full abstract text for any individual abstracts or all of them.



The Genetics Society of America - Abstract Licensing Agreement


In consideration of the Genetic Society of America's (GSA's) acceptance of the abstract, the presenting author grants GSA a nonexclusive, perpetual, worldwide license to copy, reproduce and publish the abstract in GSA's publication of Drosophila Conference abstracts and/or other compilations or collective works to be assembled and owned by GSA (together, "Collective Works") in any form or medium now existing or hereafter created throughout the world.

The sponsor author understands and agrees that GSA shall own all rights, including copyright, in and to the Collective Works including the right to:


  • distribute, reproduce, license, display, perform, lend, lease, or transfer rights to the Collective Works to third parties,
  • prepare derivative works of the Collective Works, and
  • register the Collective Works in GSA’s own name with the US Copyright Office.



Instructions for Submitting Abstracts


Step 1

Select a primary session topic area (01-18) from the following list. Select the area that best defines the session in which you would like to be included. Insert the number in the appropriate field on the Web abstract submission form.


01  Cell Biology & Cytoskeleton
02  Cell Biology & Signal Transduction
03  Cell Cycle & Cell Death
04  Cell Division and Growth Control
05  Physiology, Organismal Growth & Aging
06  Gametogenesis & Organogenesis
07  Stem Cells
08  Immunity and Pathogenesis
09  Neural Development
10  Neurophysiology & Behavior
11  Drosophila Models of Human Diseases
12  Evolution & Quantitative Genetics
13  Pattern Formation
14  Regulation of Gene Expression
15  Chromatin & Epigenetics
16  RNA Biology
17  Techniques Resources

18  Educational Initiatives

Step 2

Select a secondary session topic area (01-18) from the list above.  This category, at the discretion of the program committee, will be used if the program committee feels conference attendees will be better served by placing the abstract in this area.  Insert the number in the appropriate field on the Web abstract submission form.

Step 3

Select a keyword from the keyword list and enter it in the appropriate place on the Web abstract submission form. You may choose only a keyword listed under the same number as the number of the session topic area you select from the above list. Do not use a keyword from another session topic area.

If you do not see a keyword that is appropriate for your abstract under the session topic you chose, please choose "other" as a keyword and fill in a keyword that best fits your research.

Posters will be grouped by the eighteen session topic areas listed above. Within these topics, posters will be ordered by keywords, in an effort to group related abstracts together within session topic areas.  NOTE:  Late abstract submissions will not be displayed in their topic area but will be grouped together with all late abstracts.  Late submissions will not be available through the online search.

Platform session topic areas will adhere as closely as possible to the session topic areas above, but are subject to modification based on the relative distribution of specific research areas in the pool of submitted abstracts.


Educational Initiatives


Drosophila has been a favored model organism for teaching genetics for many years, as shown by the many contributions on this subject to DIS and Genetics. Submit and abstract on your latest innovation in education, from Mendelian genetics to genomics!  Abstracts may be submitted in addition to abstracts from the same author on research topics.


Late Abstracts

If space allows, late abstracts may be submitted from December 12, 2013 - January 21, 2014. Submission of late abstracts must be via the late abstract submission program on the Drosophila Conference Web site. If accepted, these abstracts will not appear in the Program Book but will be available online in the Program Addendum. Accepted late abstracts will be assigned poster presentations and given space at the back of the poster area, rather than in the requested area of interest. These abstracts will not be considered for platform presentation and will not be available through the searchable on-line database.  There may be an additional fee for late abstracts.


By attending a GSA conference, you grant GSA with the right to use your photograph, name, and likeness for use in GSA educational, news, or promotional materials. GSA will take steps to avoid sharing the content of presentations and posters in order to protect unpublished data. Please note that the use of cameras and other recording devices in plenary, platform, and poster sessions is prohibited without expressed permission from an authorized GSA representative