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Important Dates:

September 24, 2013
Abstract Submission Opens

Conference Registration Opens

November 5, 2013
Deadline for Workshop Requests
December 9, 2013
Abstract Submission Deadline
December 22, 2013
Larry Sandler Award Submission Deadline
February 3, 2014
Deadline for Early (Discounted) Conference Registration
February 28, 2014
Deadline for Hotel Reservations


2014 Meeting Organizers:


Daniela Drummond-Barbosa
Elissa Lei
Mihaela Serpe
Mark Van Doren

Trainee Bootcamp

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Fee $40 in advance/$50 on site if space allows.


Based on feedback from trainees both in focus groups and individual conversations, GSA will implement a pre-conference “bootcamp” with a series of career development workshops. The GSA Career Luncheon, workshops, and other career development programs already instituted at GSA conferences will take place as usual during the regular conference schedule.

Graduate students and postdocs are welcome to register for Bootcamp while registering for the conference. 


11:00 am – 1:00 pm: Finding Funding
Trainees will hear about different funding mechanisms available through NIH and NSF as well as a brief description of the proposal review process (box lunches provided). After lunch, participants will break out into small groups to discuss grant writing tips and workshop specific aims for proposals.

1:00 – 3:00 pm: Getting Published
Trainees will learn how to identify the appropriate journal for publication, how to navigate the submission process, what reviewing looks like from the perspective of the reviewer and editor, and best practices when writing for peer-reviewed scientific journals.

3:00 – 4:00 pm: Navigating Academia
Trainees striving for an academic position will learn how to find job announcements, how to prepare written application materials (CVs, cover letters, teaching portfolios), and how to become a successful candidate.

4:00 – 5:00 pm: Beyond Traditional Academia
Trainees will learn about different career alternatives, and explore a variety of paths to prepare for the switch from trainee to professional scientist.