Important Dates |
Abstract Submission Opens |
Sept 27, 2016 |
Conference Registration Opens |
Oct 3, 2016 |
Workshop Application Deadline |
Nov 7, 2016 |
Abstract Submission Deadline |
Nov 10, 2016 |
Larry Sandler Award Submission Deadline |
Dec 22, 2016 |
Late Abstract Submission Deadline |
Jan 23, 2017 |
Early(Discounted) Conference
Registration Deadline |
Feb 3, 2017 |
Hotel Reservations Deadline |
March 3, 2017 |
2017 Meeting Organizers |
Leanne Jones, Chair |
Doris Bachtrog |
Claude Desplan |
Amy Kiger |
Download the Poster |
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You won't want to miss this meeting where you can build relationships that are key to future collaborations.
We are pleased to announce that the Keynote Address will be presented by:
Sean Carroll
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Lab Website
Sean B. Carroll is currently Vice President for Science Education of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Professor of Molecular Biology and Genetics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His laboratory research has centered on the genes that control animal body patterns and play major roles in the evolution of animal diversity. A prominent science communicator in print, television, and radio, Carroll is the author of several books including Brave Genius, Remarkable Creatures, The Making of the Fittest, Endless Forms Most Beautiful, and most recently, The Serengeti Rules. Carroll is also the architect of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s science filmmaking initiative, and has served as executive producer and/or on-screen presenter of more than a dozen feature and short documentary films.
Conference Organizers |
Leanne Jones, Chair |
Doris Bachtrog |
Claude Desplan |
Amy Kiger |