Important Dates: |
September 24, 2014 |
Abstract Submission Opens
Conference Registration Opens |
November 5, 2014 |
Deadline for Workshop Requests |
November 10, 2014 |
Abstract Submission Deadline |
December 1, 2014 |
Larry Sandler Award Submission Deadline |
January 16, 2015 |
Deadline for Early (Discounted) Conference Registration |
February 6, 2015 |
Deadline for Hotel Reservations |
2015 Meeting Organizers:
Greg Beitel
Michael Eisen
Marc Freeman
Ilaria Rebay
Education and Professional Development
Wednesday, March
4, 2015
10:30 am-4:00 pm: GSA Trainee Bootcamp
Ohio Room
Fee $45 in advance/$55 on site if space allows.
Based on feedback from trainees both in focus groups and individual
conversations, GSA will implement a pre-conference “bootcamp” with a
series of professional development workshops. To see the preliminary
agenda, click here. Open to Grad Students and Postdocs only.
4:00-7:00 pm: Workshop: Preparing
your Educational Resources for Online Publication
Ohio Room
Attendees must have submitted application
New for 2015! Educators who have been wondering how to prepare their
teaching resources for publication in an online repository should apply
for this workshop, which will guide attendees through the submission
process for both
CourseSource and
GSA PREP, and give them a dedicated time to work on their
Robin Wright (Univ of Minnesota), Editor-in-Chief for CourseSource
and GSA Education Committee member;
Sarah (Sally) Elgin
(Washington Univ in St. Louis), GSA Education Committee member and
member of the GSA Board of Directors; and Beth Ruedi (GSA) will
be on hand to describe the two resource portals, answer questions, and
provide guidance to attendees.
5:00-7:00 pm: GSA Education Special Interest Group Mixer
Mississippi Room
Faculty with a passion for genetics education are encouraged to attend this
event, where they can mix and mingle with other educators. Current members of the Education SIG can catch up on actions taken by GSA with regards to the education initiative, and those who are not yet SIG members can learn about the Education SIG.
Information about
Primers in GENETICS, and other education-related
opportunities will also be available.
Thursday, March
5, 2015
7:15-8:30 am: Undergraduate Mixer
(now a continental breakfast!)
Missouri Room
On the first full day of the conference, undergraduate researchers will network on
their own during breakfast, forming a peer-group that will help provide lasting support
for the remainder of the meeting.
8:30 am–12:30 pm: “The Genetics Conference Experience”
The GSA Genetics Conference Experience provides students from genetics classes at local undergraduate institutions with the unique opportunity to observe distinguished career scientists present their current research in a conference setting. The students, accompanied by their professor, will receive a background lecture and participate in an interactive discussion before attending part of a plenary session. This informative and engaging program is meant to give students a glimpse into the real world of genetic research, and
is NOT intended for students who are already involved in scientific research, but rather will provide students with the opportunity to learn about current scientific research outside of a textbook, witness the communication of scientific research first-hand, and ideally will foster an interest in furthering their science education. It is free of cost, and invitation-only.
12:45-2:00 pm: GSA Career Luncheon
Sheraton 2
The GSA Career Luncheon is an excellent opportunity
for undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows to have
informal conversations with senior career scientists regarding the
unique challenges and rewards of a scientific career. The luncheon is
organized by topic table. Topics may include things like: transition to
independence, work-family balance, teaching at undergraduate
institutions, careers outside traditional academia, the job search, the
postdoc search, choosing the right graduate advisor, etc.
Friday, March
6, 2015
1:30 – 4:00 pm: Plenary Session and Workshop for Undergraduate Researchers
Missouri Room
Undergraduate conference attendees will attend an “Undergraduate Plenary Session” from 1:30-2:45 pm, with
two talks presented at a level appropriate for an undergraduate audience. From
3:00-4:00 pm, undergraduates will have a chance to talk to a panel of graduate students about applications, interviewing, admission, choosing a lab, and quality of life in graduate school.
1:30 pm |
Cell Cycle Variations in
Development and Cancer |
Brian Calvi
(Indiana University) |
2:10 pm |
The Genetic
Architecture of Recombination Rate Variation |
Nadia Singh
(North Carolina State University) |
2:50 pm |
3:00 pm |
Graduate school panel
discussion |
George AranjuezAlessandro Bailetti
Sonia Marie Hall
Lauren Tyra
Saturday, March
7, 2015
6:45 - 8:45 pm: Drosophila Research
and Pedagogy at a Primarily Undergraduate Institution (PUI)
Sheraton 1
This workshop provides a platform for presentation and
discussion of Drosophila research and pedagogy at
primarily undergraduate institutions (PUIs). The goals
include: 1) promoting undergraduate research by
providing a forum for students to make oral
presentations; 2) connecting people interested in
research and teaching at a PUI with current PUI faculty;
3) establishing a network among current PUI faculty to
promote discussion and collaboration, and to provide
support on professional issues that differ from those at
large institutions; 4) sharing concepts and techniques
that encourage the integration of Drosophila as a
teaching tool in the classroom and laboratory.
Organizers: |
Josefa Steinhauer, Yeshiva University,
New York, and
David M Roberts, Franklin & Marshall
College, Lancaster, PA, and
Eric Stoffregen, Lewis-Clark State
College, Lewiston, ID, and
Rebbeccah Kurzhals, Southeast Missouri
State University |
6:45 pm |
Evolutionary and
functional characterization of saturn, a newly evolved
testis-expressed protein required for fertility in Drosophila
melanogaster |
Anna Gabula
(College of the Holy Cross) |
7:00 pm |
Determining the role
of FancM, Blm, and HelQ helicases in the repair of double strand
breaks |
Julie Cox
(Tufts University) |
7:15 pm |
Characterizing a role for
the Misshapen kinase in growth of the germline ring canals in
the developing egg chamber |
Ashley Kline (Butler
University) |
7:30 pm |
Repeat-induced chromatin
silencing in fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) |
Michael Lee (Washington
University in St. Louis) |
7:45 pm |
Breakout Group Discussion |
Obtaining Funding for a Research Program at a PUI
Preparation Strategies for Graduate Students and Postdocs Considering a
Career at a PUI
Undergraduate's Fly "aha" Moments
Drosophila as a Pedagogical Tool in the Undergraduate
Curriculum |